Valorisation of mushroom by-products

Mushrooms are protein- and carbohydrate-rich and suitable for (vegan/veggie) food. The VALORCHAMP project aims to valorise by-products of mushroom cultivation (e.g. feet of mushrooms & oyster mushrooms) and food waste from mushrooms into high-quality components. Think food ingredients (spreads, flavour enhancers, protein sources) and bioactive components (preservative, protective edible film).

VALORCHAMP builds on the EIP CHampITINE project. Within the EIP CHampITINE project, the extent of mushroom side streams in Flanders was mapped for valorisation into chitin-based substances.


Partners INAGRO vzw, BVBA Noppe-Duyck, Champignons Desmet Bv, Lesage Champignons, Cultichamp bv, Pleunis Biochamp BVBA, Vandechamp BVBA, Districhamp NV, Destacx bv, BonRill, Griffith Foods

