
durable wristbands, tokens, lanyards and badges ...


SDGs? These are 'Sustainable Development Goals' drawn up by the United Nations in September 2015. By 2030, the UN wants the world to work towards these 17 Sustainable Development Goals. As a sustainable company, Orakel is of course happy to contribute to this.

No new plastic

Since January 2020, we no longer bring new plastic into the world in the production of our tokens. We work only with recycled and organic materials such as recycled plastic, fishing nets, potato peels and wood


Orakel's goal is to be a CO₂-neutral company by 2025. To achieve this, we have already taken some steps. For instance, we have been using 'carbon neutral shipping' when sending packages for a while now.


As a company, we try very hard to create biodiversity in various ways. For example, Orakel created an eco-garden and, with the help of a local beekeeper, installed a beehive with 30 000 bees. They have also sown 2 hectares of flower meadow to ensure biodiversity in the region.


Did you know that we have several green labels? We are happy to explain them to you. Orakel is a member of the UN Global Compact Network. This means that, as a company, we agree to align our strategy and activities with 10 principles of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. In addition, we also have the Fairtrade@Work label. In 2016, we decided to offer as many Fairtrade products as possible in our offices.


In 2019, it was time for Orakel to expand and an additional 3-storey building was put in place. When designing this building, one item was paramount: sustainability.

The building is heated and cooled by geothermal energy: wells deep in the ground allow groundwater to circulate in pipes, cooling or heating the building. This system was also extended to the other building, eliminating the need for air conditioning.

There are solar panels on every possible free spot on the roof to provide our electricity. There is LED lighting with sensors in the corridors, the washbasin taps have a lower flow rate and an extra cistern has been installed for flushing the toilets.