Reduce surpluses from warming carts

In an ongoing project at healthcare organisations Zorgband and Curando around the measurement of food losses, it was found that some of the food prepared, is not consumed. For example, some is lost via leftovers on the plate, but most is lost via the au bainmarie or warming trolleys (remainder after serving on the ward), or via cooking residues (remainder after serving in the kitchen), together preparation residues.

Together with actors in the care sector, they want to consider how to minimise these surpluses/losses and how to still valorise the surpluses that cannot be avoided towards food. Specifically, they want to involve a broad group of care kitchens in the analysis and flow of preparation residues and which actions towards prevention and valorisation have already been tested and implemented. As inspiration, they want to organise discussion moments between organisations to exchange ideas.

Zorgband Leie en Schelde

Partners AZ Zeno, vzw Curando O.L.V. van 7 Weeën Ruiselede,
