
Reuse of building components: from a Flemish to a European dynamic

The aim of this project is to reuse more building components in the construction industry in Flanders.

In Flanders today, there are over 80 businesses that specialise in dismantling and reusing building components. They want to integrate reuse into current building practice, and tune into a new generation of professionals. Just as important is highlighting their efforts and making others aware of them.

Rotor wants to take on that challenge. It is starting with a research and awareness-raising campaign on the subject in Flanders. This could involve publishing inspiring sample projects, updating the website (where contractors, architects and building owners who want to work with reused materials can find one another), and by organising a study day. The second part involves co-financing an inter-regional co-operative partnership on the reuse of building materials and components in the context of an Interreg North-West Europe project group. This will create co-operation over a wider geographical area in the long term.
